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Chapel Partners
“Survival of the Chapel Slip” [Winter 2020-21 Classic] reminded me of a long-standing relationship with a fellow Northwestern alum that began due to assigned seating in chapel. For three years, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, John Ter Beest ’79 and I sat together during chapel. We shared a hymnbook, whispered carefully during the message, napped, read our textbook assignments, daydreamed, silently pointed at the seniors in the balcony who hung their feet over the ledge, read the newspaper over the shoulder of a nearby student, and just generally were comfortable being “chapel partners.”
Today, more than 40 years later, we still have a bond with one another. John lives in Rapid City, South Dakota; I live in Orange City. We have never done anything social together—during college or since—but the connection we forged during those years is still strong today and in some odd way has made us lifelong friends.
Char Ten Clay ’79
Orange City