Pam VliegerFriendly servant

Name something about your work you really enjoy.
I like being able to serve others and help them go about their mission. I really enjoy interacting with others. And I have fun operating all these cool machines! I’m constantly learning.
What is one of your lesser-known responsibilities?
I’m kind of the information booth person of Zwemer Hall. Since my office is close to the door, people naturally drop in and ask for directions or other information. I don’t always have the answers, but I usually know someone who might.
Why did you want to work at NWC?
When I started many years ago, it was because it was a better job than waitressing. As the years have gone by, the reasons I stay have included because I could be flexible with my family commitments and because I developed a better understanding about the mission of Northwestern.
What is one of the most common questions you’re asked?
Pam, do you have time to …?
What are your hobbies?
I love to cook. I don’t mean just cooking, but baking and canning too. That has led to another hobby: collecting antique and old church cookbooks. I have well over 100. I also read as much as I can, listen to music, and like to play games.
What is your favorite time of day, and why?
The morning is definitely my favorite time. It is like having a clean slate—a new day to do things differently or better, to help people with more of a servant’s heart, to make them smile.
What is one of your favorite NWC memories?
My favorite was the time Tress Jacobsma had to hoist me through a window to get into the old storage room in Zwemer because the door had been locked accidentally and there wasn’t a key to open it. The funniest part was that once I got through the window, I had a big drop to the floor. As I negotiated my drop, the bottom of my jeans became impaled on a nail along the window ledge and I ended up hanging there upside down! It took me about five minutes to disentangle myself because we were laughing too hard to do anything.
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