Dean CalsbeekFit for teaching

What makes your job great?
That’s easy—the students. Very early in my teaching career, I realized students have a lot more personality (most of the time) and provide much more fulfillment than the rats, mice and cell cultures I was working with as a researcher. I look forward to seeing and getting to know my students every day, and I miss them during the breaks and summers.
What is one of the most challenging aspects of being a professor?
Helping students to see and believe how talented and gifted they are. Most of our students eventually realize their potential, but as a professor few experiences are more difficult than watching a student not believe in himself and give up.
What is your favorite time of the year?
When the students return in the fall. It’s so fun to watch friends reunite and hear stories of adventures they had over the summer. There’s such a sense of optimism and grace when we start a new year.
Describe yourself in three words.
Sarcastic. Empathetic. Loyal.
What is one of your favorite NWC memories?
The summer course I taught in China in 2007 was great. I had an excellent group of students and a great co-leader, Dr. Paul Bartlett. It was physically and emotionally exhausting, but unforgettable. We tried new foods, hiked and camped out on the Great Wall, and studied a culture that is drastically different than our own. Our comfort zones definitely expanded, and I think everyone gained a greater appreciation for the value of cultural diversity.
What do you do in your free time?
When I’m not spending time with my wife and children, I’ll do about anything for an opportunity to golf. I also enjoy cycling and swimming. I follow Northwestern athletics as much as my schedule allows. Otherwise, I enjoy working on home projects.
How did you like participating in, and winning, Dancing with the Profs this year?
I had more fun than I deserve. It was a huge leap for me—I’ve never been as nervous about anything in all of my life—but it was worth it. I learned a lot about myself and made some great new friends along the way.
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