Jackie SmallbonesStudent of Scripture

A member of Northwestern’s religion and Christian education faculty since 1995, Dr. Jackie Smallbones is a columnist for the Church Herald and the author of Keeping Company with Jesus: Reflections on Gospel Stories.

What are you an expert at?
Nothing, really. I know something about how to facilitate the spiritual growth and formation of the people of God and how to teach others to be involved in that ministry as well. But I’m still on the way myself.

What do you wish you were an expert at?
I went to college with the goal of becoming an expert in biblical knowledge and understanding, adding to what I thought was a fairly good grounding in Bible and theology. I graduated very much aware that while my knowledge of the Bible and a few other subjects had grown, I was still ignorant. I don’t want to be an expert; I want to keep traveling, learning and growing in the Jesus Way.

Describe Northwestern College in three words.
Caring, achieving and hope-filled.

What do you like about your job and why?
Students, teaching, interaction with colleagues. I delight in watching students learn new material—grow as it suddenly makes sense and they have that “aha” moment. I like it when students or colleagues challenge my views. Sometimes I end up changing them; sometimes I don’t.

What is your unique perspective on Northwestern?
I bring an African perspective to my teaching and understanding of the material. When I began teaching in my native country of South Africa, I discovered I was seeing Scripture from my white, middle class, English, Western point of view. My African students helped me begin to take in another view. In some ways African culture is closer to biblical culture, and I began seeing things very differently. Most importantly, I learned to listen. I still try to listen, just as I also try to encourage my students to think how their culture affects their interpretations of Scripture and Christian living.

Describe yourself in three words.
Seeker, learner, challenger.

What hobbies do you enjoy?
Bird watching, reading, music, cooking, being out in nature, walking, biking.

What do you still want to happen in your life?
I’m not a goal-oriented person. I keep trying to do what I do in better and more authentic ways. I would like to have time to focus on one thing, such as my writing, until it is done—and done well. Mostly, I want to keep journeying; learning new things; seeing God, myself and the world more clearly; and growing in wisdom. The point is the journey.

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