Lives That Matter

President Greg ChristyThere is much talk these days about the price and perceived value of higher education in the U.S. Higher education is a big investment, and it is appropriate for students and their families—as well as citizens in general—to  have high expectations for colleges and universities. We’re grateful Northwestern College enjoys a strong reputation as a college that’s worth the cost, as evidenced by various national publications that rate colleges and universities.

Equally valuable to us is the fact that students, their parents and our alumni affirm the work Northwestern is doing to prepare students for career success and Kingdom faithfulness after college. Earlier this year, a national consulting firm that specializes in higher education surveyed our students, parents and alumni to help us gauge their satisfaction with Northwestern. More than 96 percent of alumni said they either already have or would recommend Northwestern College to a family member or friend. More than 97 percent of parents feel Northwestern is worth the cost. And more than 80 percent of students indicate that Northwestern is having a lasting and significant impact on their spiritual life.

These statistics are very gratifying and indicative of the dedication of our faculty and staff to creating a Christian academic community that engages students in courageous and faithful learning and living. We are committed to preparing students for the world of work, but we also desire so much more for them. 

The outcome of a Northwestern education should be more than just the standard of living our graduates can attain. Ultimately, we hope they faithfully follow Christ and pursue God’s redeeming work in the world. We pray they find a calling, professionally and personally, that enables them to participate in God’s redemptive purposes.

As I travel across the country, I am humbled to witness all the places and ways our alumni are fulfilling Northwestern’s mission. Our graduates are committed spouses and parents; they provide leadership in their churches, are invested in their communities, and seek to use their gifts and talents to bless others and further the Kingdom.

This aspect of our mission sets Northwestern far apart from most other colleges and universities. Many schools can claim to have bright young people who are diligent students. But few can claim to have so many who want their lives to matter for God’s glory.

What a joy it is to teach and mentor students who are passionate about loving and serving God and others and who value their Northwestern education as an important investment in that calling.

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