Jeff Guthmiller

Jeff Guthmiller ’88 has been part of Northwestern’s admissions staff since 1995. Now the associate director, he also coaches the women’s tennis team.
Northwestern’s his racket
What is your favorite part of working as an admissions counselor?
The relationships—both those with my co-workers and those I make with students.
A major part of your life has been spent at NWC. What qualities about Northwestern appeal to you so much?
I love the community. When I try to define the word community as it relates to our campus, I usually say it is the tearing down of walls between groups of people. I like to see how freshmen and seniors mix and how students and faculty relate to each other.
Your son is a senior at Northwestern and your daughter will be a freshman this fall. Were they raised as Raider fans?
Yes, we dragged them to many Northwestern football and basketball games. Now we go to Sean’s Raider cross country and track meets.
If you could work in any other department on campus, which one would you choose?
I’d like to work in the maintenance department. First, I would like to be a part of the team that makes our campus look so great. Second, the atmosphere in that department seems to be very similar to that of the admissions office: they work hard, know how to have fun, and care deeply for each other.
What are some of your interests?
I really enjoy participating in and watching athletics. As I’ve gotten older, the participating part has gotten to be much less. I also enjoy participating in worship teams at church and doing yard work.
Describe yourself in three words:
Friendly, outgoing, agreeable.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
I enjoy Christ Chapel because it’s a really cool building and a great place to listen to music. I also got married there, so that makes it special as well.
You are an avid collector of Coca-Cola memorabilia. How did that start?
My grandpa was an antique dealer. At his estate sale, I wanted something from his collection to remember him by; I set my sights on an antique Coca-Cola pitcher and a set of four glasses. My collection took off from there. Once people knew I collected Coke stuff, they just started bringing me Coke memorabilia from trips. My favorite item is still my grandpa’s pitcher and glasses.
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