Jennifer and Jonathan Sabo

Perfectly Cast


Jennifer and Jonathan Sabo began serving in Northwestern's theatre department in 2008. Jonathan teaches design and technical directing courses and directs the department's scene studio, and Jennifer serves as the department's secretary and building manager.

How did you become interested in theatre?
Jonathan: As a preacher's kid, being in front of people was always part of my life: Christmas and Easter programs, special music and even preaching once or twice. I managed to get into the traveling drama troupe at college and toured throughout my undergraduate experience. Then I worked with Taproot Theatre in Seattle for two years. While there, I fell in love with scenic design and knew that working in theatre was going to be a career.
Jennifer: My interest is mostly a result of being married to a "theatre person." Jonathan has helped me learn so much and appreciate all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into a production.

What do you enjoy most about working in Northwestern's drama department?
Jonathan: I love those moments when light bulbs flash on in students' heads and they put into practice what they have learned in the classroom. I also very much appreciate the intentional integration of faith and learning that is so important to teaching here.
Jennifer: My prior job was in management and somewhat stressful. My position as theatre secretary is challenging, which I appreciate, but not overwhelming, which I love.

What is it like working with your spouse in the same department?
Jonathan: I always think of our working together as a rehearsal for retirement. I once heard this saying, "For better or worse, but not for lunch." Our working together now will prevent that from becoming a reality in our relationship.

What has been your favorite Northwestern theatre production so far?
Jonathan: That's really hard to say. All of them have provided great challenges and rewards.
Jennifer: The fall 2011 production of Talley's Folly. It was a beautiful, intimate story performed mostly by just two actors. And the set design [done by Jonathan] was amazing.

If you weren't in the field of theatre, what job would you like to have?
Jonathan: I'd want to work as a commercial or missionary pilot.
Jennifer: I'd enjoy being a professional organizer.

Do you spend time with Northwestern students outside of DeWitt Theatre?
Jennifer: Yes, we love having students in our home. They have stayed over during breaks or just come for a night to play games, watch Netflix or sing around a fire on the back porch. Lots of student laundry has been done at our house too!

If you could describe your relationship using only the title of a play, what would it be?
Jennifer: We both agree it would be the musical Crazy for You.

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